Dork Study

Student Success Stories

Real students, real achievements powered by Dork Study


Total Students

1.5 Grades

Average Grade Improvement


Subjects Covered


Homework Assignments Assisted

Alex Rodriguez

Alex Rodriguez

High School Junior

Improved Math Grade from C to A

Dork Study's AI Math Tutor helped me understand complex algebra concepts I was struggling with. The personalized explanations made all the difference!

Jamie Chen

Jamie Chen

College Freshman

Aced Computer Science Midterm

The Computer Science AI Tutor broke down complex programming concepts into easy-to-understand steps. I went from confused to confident!

Computer Science Programming
Morgan Taylor

Morgan Taylor

High School Senior

Improved Essay Writing Skills

Essay Assistant helped me refine my writing style and structure. I've seen a significant improvement in my English class essays.

English Writing
Sam Patel

Sam Patel

College Sophomore

Language Proficiency Boost

Learning Spanish became fun and interactive with the Spanish AI Tutor. My conversational skills improved dramatically!

Spanish Languages
Riley Kim

Riley Kim

High School Sophomore

Science Fair Winner

The Science AI Tutor helped me develop a winning science fair project by providing clear explanations and research guidance.

Science Research